What is Black Tar Heroin?

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what is black tar heroin

What is Black Tar Heroin?

The Dangers of Black Tar Heroin

How Black Tar Heroin Affects the Body

The Signs of Heroin Use​

It's Hard To Always Avoid Triggers

How to Manage Triggers

Identify Your Triggers

Develop Coping Strategies

Getting Help for Heroin Addiction

Contact Our Team For Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Black tar heroin is a less refined, sticky form of heroin that is dark in color and contains many impurities.

It is dangerous due to its impurities, the high risk of infection from use, its strong addictive properties, and the increased risk of overdose.

Look for changes in behavior, physical symptoms like weight loss and track marks, and paraphernalia such as needles or small bags with dark residue.

Treatment options include medical detox to safely remove the drug from the body, residential treatment for intensive support, and dual diagnosis to treat both addiction and other mental health conditions.

We offer comprehensive treatment programs, including medical detox, residential treatment, and dual diagnosis to support individuals on their path to recovery.

Get Help Today!

If you or a loved one are seeking addiction treatment, look no further than Capistrano Beach Recovery. Contact us today to learn more about our treatment options and take the first step towards lasting recovery.